Personal Website of Yousef Haseli
Journal Aticles

Haseli Y. 2023. Semi-analytical modeling of pyrolysis front and ignition temperatures of thermally reactive single solid particles. Processes 11: 2448.​
Haseli Y., Naterer G. F. 2023. Optimization of turbine pressures in a net-zero supercritical Allam cycle. Journal of Cleaner Production 400: 136639.​
Haseli Y., Naterer G. F. 2022. Transient heat conduction in a planar slab with convection and radiation effects. Journal of Heat Transfer 144: 121401.​
Haseli Y. 2021. Interpretation of entropy calculations in energy conversion systems. Energies 14: 7022.
Haseli Y., Sifat N. S. 2021. Performance modeling of Allam cycle integrated with a cryogenic air separation process. Computers and Chemical Engineering 148: 107263.
Haseli Y. 2021. Approximate relations for optimum turbine operating parameters in Allam cycle. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143: 064501.
Haseli Y. 2020. Interrelations between standard entropy, formation enthalpy and boiling temperature of hydrocarbons. Fuel 280: 118541.
Hasan M., Haseli Y. 2020. An oxyfuel combustion-based torrefaction process: technoeconomic analysis. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 142: 032205.
Sifat N. S., Haseli Y. 2019. A critical review of CO2 capture technologies and prospects for clean power generation. Energies 12: 4143.
Haseli Y. 2019. Simplified model of torrefaction-grinding process integrated with a power plant. Fuel Processing Technology 188: 118-128.
Haseli Y. 2019. Criteria for chemical equilibrium with application to methane steam reforming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44: 5766-5772.
Haseli Y., Hornbostel K. 2019. Demonstration of an inverse relationship between thermal efficiency and specific entropy generation for combustion power systems. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141: 014501.
Hasan M., Haseli Y., Karadogan E. 2018. Correlations to predict elemental compositions and heating value of torrefied biomass. Energies 11, 2443.
Haseli Y. 2018. Process modeling of a biomass torrefaction plant. Energy & Fuels 32: 5611-5622.
Haseli Y. 2018. Maximum conversion efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43: 9015-9021.
Haseli Y. 2018. Efficiency improvements of thermal power plants through specific entropy generation. Energy Conversion and Management 159: 109-120.
Haseli Y. 2018. Specific entropy generation in a gas turbine power cycle. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 140: 03002.
Haseli Y. 2016. Efficiency of irreversible Brayton cycles at minimum entropy generation. Applied Mathematical Modeling 40:8366-8376.
Haseli Y. 2016. The equivalence of minimum entropy production and maximum thermal efficiency in endoreversible heat engines. Helyion 2: e00113.
Haseli Y. 2013. Optimization of a regenerative Brayton cycle by maximization of a newly defined second law efficiency. Energy Conversion and Management 68: 133-140.
Haseli Y. 2013. Performance of irreversible heat engines at minimum entropy generation. Applied Mathematical Modeling 37: 9810-9817.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2013. A quasi-steady analysis of oxy-fuel combustion of a wood char particle. Combustion Science and Technology 185: 533-547.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2013. Reduced model for combustion of a small biomass particle at high operating temperatures. Bioresource Technology 131: 397-404.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2012. Analytical solutions for prediction of the ignition time of wood particles based on a time and space integral method. Thermochemica Acta 548:65-75.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2012. A simplified pyrolysis model of a biomass particle based on infinitesimally thin reaction front approximation. Energy and Fuels 26:3230-3243.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2012. Predicting the pyrolysis of single biomass particles based on a time and space integral method. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 96: 126-138.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2011. A detailed one-dimensional model of combustion of a woody biomass particle. Bioresource Technology 102: 9772-9782.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2011. Numerical study of the conversion time of single pyrolyzing biomass particles at high heating conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal 169: 299-312.
Haseli Y., van Oijen J. A., de Goey L. P. H. 2011. Modeling biomass particle pyrolysis with temperature dependent heat of reactions. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 90: 140-154.
Haseli Y. 2011. Optimum performance of a regenerative gas turbine power plant operating with/without a solid oxide fuel cell. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology 8: Paper No. 051003.
Haseli Y. 2011. Substance independence of efficiency of a class of heat engines undergoing two isothermal processes. Journal of Thermodynamics Vol. 2011, Article ID 647937.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2010. Exergy efficiency of two-phase flow in a shell and tube condenser. Heat Transfer Engineering 31: 17-24.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2010. Exergy analysis of a combined fuel cell and gas turbine power plant with intercooling and reheating. International Journal of Exergy 7: 211-2321.
Haseli Y., Naterer G. F., Dincer I. 2009. Fluid-particle mass transport of cupric chloride hydrolysis in a fluidized bed. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52: 2507–2515.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Entropy generation of vapor condensation in the presence of a non-condensable gas in a shell and tube condenser. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51: 1596-1602.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Optimum temperatures in a shell and tube condenser with respect to exergy. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51: 2462-2470.
Haseli Y. Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Exergy analysis of condensation of a binary mixture with one non-condensable component in a shell and tube condenser. Journal of Heat Transfer 130: 084504-1-5.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Thermal effectiveness correlation for a shell and tube condenser with noncondensing gas. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 22: 501-507.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Unified approach to exergy efficiency, environmental impact and sustainable development for standard thermodynamic cycles. International Journal of Green Energy 5: 105-119.
Haseli Y., Naterer G. F., Dincer I. 2008. Comparative assessment of greenhouse gas mitigation of hydrogen passenger trains. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33: 1788-1796.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Thermodynamic modeling of a gas turbine cycle combined with a solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33: 5811-5822.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Hydrodynamic gas-solid model of cupric chloride particles reacting with superheated steam for thermochemical hydrogen production. Chemical Engineering Science 63: 4596-4604.
Haseli Y., Dincer I., Naterer G. F. 2008. Thermodynamic analysis of a combined gas turbine power system with a solid oxide fuel cell through exergy. Thermochimica Acta 480: 1-9.