Personal Website of Yousef Haseli
C Heat capacitance
cp Specific heat at constant pressure
m Mass
p Pressure
Q Heat
rp Pressure ratio
rT Highest-to-lowest temperature ratio
S Entropy
S* Normalized entropy generation
s Specific entropy
T Temperature
TEH Highest temperature of engine
TEL Lowest temperature of engine
TH Adiabatic combustion temperature
Th,in Hot stream inlet temperature
Th,out Hot stream outlet temperature
Tl,in Cold stream inlet temperature
Tl,out Cold stream outlet temperature
TL Temperature of ambient/low temperature reservoir
W Work
W* Normalized wor
Greek letters
γ Specific heat ratio
η Efficiency
CV Carnot vapor cycle
Gen Generation
H High temperature reservoir
h Hot stream
in Inlet
l Cold stream
L Low temperature reservoir
max Maximum
min Minimum
MN Modified Novikov power plant model
N Novikov’s power plant model
out Outlet
opt Optimum
SGen,min Condition at minimum entropy generation
th Thermal
tot Total
Wmax Condition at maximum work output
ηth,max Condition at maximum thermal efficiency